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June Joy

My Mindfulness Class focused on joy and gratitude this past week. It has been the perfect focus, because I've found -- even when I'm not really looking or thinking about it -- that there is a whole lot of joy out there, as well as within. Just check out the light and bright that was so completely humming and beaming at the Farmers Market this morning. June gloom has met its match. Summer is busting through the door with cherries, peppers, berries, peaches. There's no holding back the vibrant colors and sweetness of summer. Coming soon to a doorstep near you.....

I wrapped up my Mindfulness Class last night. So fitting that last weeks topic was gratitude and joy. I was surprised and delighted by this. I've found that during these days of my own challenges and growth, nothing is more grounding than meditating on all the things I have to be grateful for. And sharing laughter and joy with someone you love is a gift.

One of the funnier moments of this six-week long course was a bust-out, laugh-til-tears experience I had with my dear friend this past Saturday during class. We were told to ask each other the simple question: "What brings you joy?" And before we both knew it, we were cracking up and couldn't stop. Laughter. Happiness. Pure hilarious joy. Head-to-toe delight. It still makes me smile just remembering it. I highly recommend it. It's so very good for you.  

So, what brings you joy?

MARC offers drop in classes all around town. Check out their website.

I wish you each happiness, joy and the space and time to consider all the things in your life that you are grateful for.



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